Dimpled skin (or cellulite) is impenetrable to diet, exercise, surgery and every other spa treament known. Only Endermologie can provide the smooth, even finish of perfection.
What is Endermologie ?
Endermologie is the world's first patented technology to temporarily yet effectively reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Endermologie combines:
- LPG patented therapeutic massagers
- Specific maneuvers that work multiple layers of the skin
- Individualized protocols applied over the whole body
- Various programs adapted to different cellulite conditions
LPG's technology is unique because of the patented action of the treatment head that combines gentle suction with two active rollers, creating a symmetrical skin fold. Specifically designed maneuvers are applied to the entire body stimulating your lymphatic system during the 45 minute treatment. Your Endermologie technician will individualize each treatment by focusing on clients' specific problem areas Endermologie smoothes the interface layer between the dermis and hypodermis.
And more ...
Streamline body shapes, sculpt hidden curves, fight the dimpling of cellulite or revitalize one's body, all this more possible with LPG Endermologie machines..
Endermologie Therapeutic Massagers relieve DOMS, muscle spasms, minor aches and pains, temporary improvement in local blood circulation and temporarily improves the appearance of cellulite and circumferential body measurements of cellulite treated areas.
Living Life with energy, confidence and serenity...this encompasses LPG's philosophy toward health and beauty.
A multidimensional approach in well-being.